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Guide to Making Amiibo Coins and Cards: 4 Questions to Ask Yourself To Get You on Your Amiibo Making Adventure!

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Before We Start, Here are the benefits of buying From COINMII Instead of DIY..

No Need to Buy Materials.

  • NTAG215 Coins or Cards
  • Amiibo Programming App
  • Stickers \ permanent marker for the minimalist
  • Printer Ink (Probably the most overlooked expense)
  • Image editing software to create character images and for the sticker printing template
  • Protective Shells, cases, etc. Another overlooked expense if you plan to protect your artwork.
  • Key file to write amiibo tags

Finding the right App for programming Amiibo Tags isn’t a pleasant experience.

While there are some freebies out there, they are usually riddled with ads, popups, and often get removed from the app store. There are some one time purchase apps, but again, many of them risk app store removal and the loss of your money.

What’s Your Time Worth?

Buying our Amiibo Coins, Amiibo Cards, or Amiibo Generators is like ordering take out from your favorite restaurant. Sure, you could go to the grocery store and buy all the ingredients to make a meal you’ve never made, but is it worth your time and energy? Depending on your end goal we end up being cheaper on a per coin basis.  The same people that say otherwise are the same people who order Door Dash exclusively and don’t think twice about the extra fees they paid just to not drive 5 minutes up the street to pick up their food (forget making it themselves). Okay we are just kidding, kinda.

A Compatible Smartphone or NFC Programmer (I will touch on this later in the article)

Our Amiibo Coins and Cards are less than $1 each in many of our Amiibo Collections and close to $1 with our Buy 10 promo on individual coins.  Even better, our very popular Amiibo Hero AMIIGEN OLED offers unlimited characters and unlimited scans for less than $40!

But Let’s Not Overlook the Benefits of DIY

Learning a new skill and gaining knowledge. The satisfaction of taking on a new challenge and completing it! May save you money down the road if you have a need for a large number of amiibo coins. Brag about it with your friends. The benefits are plentiful.

ntag215 100 coins

Question 1: Do you want to make Amiibo Coins or Amiibo Cards?

We will focus on the 1inch (25mm) Amiibo Coins since they tend to be the most affordable and popular.




Question 2: How many Amiibo Coins do you want to make?

Naturally, the unit price decreases as you increase the quantity. We recommend the following NTAG215 Coin provider on Amazon or you can purchase one of our COINMII DIY kits. 

Both are listed below.

random grab bag of amiibo coins at coinmii.com

Question 3: Do You Plan to Print Character Images?

Question 4: How Do You Plan to Program Your Coins?

IPhone, Android, or Raspberry Pi

  • IPhone – Tagmiibo or iNFC are the most popular
  • Android – Tagmo is popular or iNFC
  • Raspberry Pi – Advanced Users
    • Raspberry Pi (RPI 5 is the newest model, but you may be able to find a 4 at a reasonable price)
    • NFC Hat
    • Amiibo Programming repository (easily locatable if you have basic Pi knowledge)
Raspberry Pi – Advanced Users (Click Here for More)

Our Amazon Pick for Raspberry Pi

Our Amazon Pick for NFC Hat (for the RPI)

Now That You Have Answered Those Questions

  1. Grab a NTAG coin
  2. Open the App that you chose to use.
  3. Ensure you have key bin downloaded and loaded (the app will walk you through this)
  4. Select the character you want to scan.
  5. Tap the ntag coin to the device until programming is confirmed.
  6. Repeat process
  7. Create artwork
  8. Print artwork
  9. Apply Stickers
  10. Add shells
  11. Complete!

But what about Cards? Well cards follow the same exact process except you need different sticker paper and NTAG cards (obviously).

NTAG215 Card Suggestions (Click Here for More)

Our Amazon Pick for NTAG215 Cards

Our Amazon Pick for Card Sticker Paper


We know this is a lot of information, but it really boils down to 3 absolute necessities.
1) NTAG215 Coins
2) NFC compatible phone
3) A reputable App to program Amiibo tags.

We wish you all the best if the DIY route is the way you choose to go and hope our suggested products provide you with the solution you need! Otherwise, please check out our Shop and get your characters!

Amazon Mentioned Products Quick Reference

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