What do the Animal Crossing COINMII Amiibo Coins do?
The Animal Crossing COINMII Amiibo Coins can be used to call your favorite villagers into your Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer game and allow you to decorate the homes of the villagers on the cards. You can also use the cards to invite villagers over to each other’s houses, Café, Harvey’s island assign villagers to jobs in your town, and save furniture items you used to the character’s card and share them with a friend. Also, using COINMII Amiibo Coins \ Cards is the only way to get design request from special characters (eg., Isabelle, K.K., Tom Nook, Timmy and Tommy, Flick and more).
Invite villager to your campsite
- Interact with the Kiosk at Resident Services
- Select invite a Camper
- Scan the NFC card you want to use
- The kiosk will identify the villager on the card, Now select Yes!
- After scanning your card, a cutscene will play, showing the invited camper. When you leave Resident Services, the villager you invited will be at your campsite
- Talk with the villager a couple of times until they ask you to craft something for them.
- Agree to their request. They might even give you a new recipe in the processes. This villager will leave your island by the end of the night, so be sure to craft the requested item and give it to the camper before they’re gone.
- The camper is closer to being persuaded, but they won’t be ready to move in just yet. The following day repeat steps 1 – 9 for 3 days (three times).
- After giving them an item on the next day, talk to them several times to see if they are interested in moving in. You might have to invite them back one more time and craft them another item before they’re willing to move in
- If they agree to become a resident but you already have 10 villagers on your island, then you’ll need to choose which of your current villagers gets kicked off the island
How to use Amiibo Coins in Roost Café
Players can now use the Call Center, a yellow box located at the far left part of the café, to call villagers to play and enjoy a cup of coffee. Players can use Amiibo Coins to invite villagers include special characters/NPC.

- Simply walk up to the Call Center and press A to interact.
- Have your desired NFC card ready!
- When prompted, touch NFC card to the right joystick (where the reader is located).
- You’ll now be able to enjoy quality time and a cup of joy with your favorite villager in New Horizons!
How to use Amiibo Coins in Happy Home Paradise
- First of all, decorate at least seven (7) vacation homes for the villagers. After the seventh vacation home, Lottie will tell you about the amiibo scanner.
- There is a restriction on who you can invite such as Special characters/NPC. You must increase your ranking to ‘Famous Designer’ which you can achieve after designed at least 25 vacation homes to invite Special characters/NPC (Special Characters: Lottie, Niko, Wardell, Isabelle, K.K., Tom Nook, Flick, Wisp and more)
- The other thing you can do with NFC card is to summon them to Vacation homes, Happy home café, Happy home restaurants so that you can create better photos for your portfolio, much like how you can summon amiibo for Photopia.
More Information
Check out our entire lineup of Animal Crossing Amiibo Coins! You can shop by Collection, Series, or browse all characters.
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