At, we understand the importance of maximizing your savings, which is why we offer a variety of ways for our customers to get the biggest bang for their buck. Take advantage of our exciting promotions, including a staggering 50% off, our Buy 5 Get 5 (or More) deal, or 10% off when you purchase two or more items. That’s not all!
Sign up for our newsletter and enjoy an exclusive 10% off your next order. Plus, don’t forget to join our Loyalty Program for even more fantastic benefits. At, saving money while getting top-quality products is our priority.
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Use code “COINMII25” at checkout!
Beat the Cold with our Winter Sale @
Save 20% Sitewide. No Exclusions.
Use code “Chilly20” at checkout!
Sitewide Summer Sale @
Save 10% Sitewide. No Exclusions.
Use code “COINMII10” at checkout!
Save 50% When You Purchase 10 or More
50% off your purchase when you add 10 or more Individual Amiibo Coins to your cart!
Get All the Details Here
20% off Sitewide
20% off of your entire cart when you purchase 3 or more items
Buy 5 Get 5 Free
Get 5 or more free Amiibo Coins when you purchase 5 or more Individual Amiibo Coins!
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It’s pretty simple.. spend $25 and get free shipping within the US.
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CoinMii Loyalty Program with COINMII Cash
Earn Points with CoinMii Cash on Every Purchase. Cash those points in for discounts on future orders!
Our loyalty program is easy to join and use. All you have to do is sign up for an account and start earning points with every purchase. You’ll earn 50 points for every dollar spent, completing certain tasks, and there will be more special opportunties to earn in the future. You can redeem your points for discounts on future purchases. I mean, what is better than saving even more on your favorite Amiibo Characters?
Plus, you’ll get access to exclusive offers and promotions that are only available to loyalty program members. We also offer special rewards for our most loyal customers. If you reach a certain number of points, you’ll be eligible for additional discounts and rewards. We’re excited to offer this loyalty program and hope you’ll take advantage of the exclusive rewards and discounts it offers.
Sign up today and start earning points with every purchase!
Here is how you earn points (with more ways to come):
- Earn points for every purchase that you make.
- Earn points for creating a user account with COINMII.COM
- Earn points for reviewing your recent purchases!
Create an Account | 500 Points |
Review A Purchase | 100 Points |
Every $1 Spent | 50 Points |
Leave us a review on Trustpilot | 3000 Points |
Every 1000 points is worth $1. All previous purchases have been retroactively rewarded points. So make sure you check your account balance today! This is our way of saying thank you for doing business with What are you waiting for? Go pick out your favorite characters today! Splatoon, Zelda, Mario, Metroid, and more are waiting for you!
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